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By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or desktop device through the CASE Online Library. You will also... View full product details
By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or desktop device through the CASE Online Library. You will also... View full product details
How do Christians present the gospel about the One who has universal imperial authority in a postmodern world where “power” is a “swear word”? Andrew... View full product details
By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or desktop device through the CASE Online Library. You will also... View full product details
Greg Clarke reviews Looking for Spinoza by Antonio Damasio. By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or... View full product details
William Craig argues that Christian apologetics is a vital part of the theological curriculum. By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it... View full product details
There is a contemporary recognition that philosophy takes place within the body. This makes the realm of aesthetics—how we are affected by things—more important than... View full product details
Christians have gained a reputation for delivering apologetic salvos from on high. So how can we instead seek points of connection and dialogue with those... View full product details
Richard Gibson and Mike Thompson provide a warning to the apologist from history. By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any... View full product details
Modern apologetics has been characterised by an emphasis on rational discourse. But what would it mean to become apologetic persons, living in apologetic communities? By... View full product details
It is easy to fall into the habit of regarding apologetics as a distinct task or skill-set which is brought into play when and only... View full product details
What is an apologist? Is it someone who uses reason to demolish arguments? Or is there more to it than that? Dipping into the work... View full product details
Greg Clarke explores recent trends in Christian apologetics. By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or desktop... View full product details
Atheist Delusions: The Christian Revolution and Its Fashionable EnemiesDavid Bentley Hart, New Haven and London:Yale UP, 2009. Read this FREE, full-length article in the CASE Online... View full product details
Peter Dart explores the 'theology of music' in the Bible through Paul’s teaching on music: His emphasis on the importance on understanding in corporate worship... View full product details
Apologetics often seeks to establish the reliability and credibility of Christianity in the face of skeptics. But people drawn to New Spiritualities find traditional religions... View full product details