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By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or desktop device through the CASE Online Library. You will also be emailed... View full product details
By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or desktop device through the CASE Online Library. You will also be emailed... View full product details
By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or desktop device through the CASE Online Library. You will also be emailed... View full product details
By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or desktop device through the CASE Online Library. You will also be emailed... View full product details
By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or desktop device through the CASE Online Library. You will also... View full product details
By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or desktop device through the CASE Online Library. You will also be emailed... View full product details
By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or desktop device through the CASE Online Library. You will also be emailed... View full product details
By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or desktop device through the CASE Online Library. You will also be emailed... View full product details
By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or desktop device through the CASE Online Library. You will also be emailed... View full product details
By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or desktop device through the CASE Online Library. You will also be emailed... View full product details
By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or desktop device through the CASE Online Library. You will also be emailed... View full product details
By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or desktop device through the CASE Online Library. You will also... View full product details
By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or desktop device through the CASE Online Library. You will also... View full product details
By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or desktop device through the CASE Online Library. You will also... View full product details
By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or desktop device through the CASE Online Library. You will also... View full product details
By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or desktop device through the CASE Online Library. You will also... View full product details
By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or desktop device through the CASE Online Library. You will also... View full product details
Careful use of history, including its rewriting, is one way of telling the truth to the postmodern world, writes Andrew Dunstall. By purchasing this individual... View full product details
By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or desktop device through the CASE Online Library. You will also... View full product details
By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or desktop device through the CASE Online Library. You will also... View full product details
The Dalai Lama and his teaching have had a significant impact upon concepts of the meaning of life and happiness in the Western world. Mike... View full product details
Kel Richards takes us through the etymology of the word “happiness” and questions its appropriateness in any biblical vocabulary. By purchasing this individual article you... View full product details
How do Christians present the gospel about the One who has universal imperial authority in a postmodern world where “power” is a “swear word”? Andrew... View full product details
By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or desktop device through the CASE Online Library. You will also... View full product details
By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or desktop device through the CASE Online Library. You will also... View full product details
By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or desktop device through the CASE Online Library. You will also... View full product details
By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or desktop device through the CASE Online Library. You will also... View full product details
By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or desktop device through the CASE Online Library. You will also... View full product details
K.R Birkett explores the origins of witchcraft. By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or desktop device... View full product details
By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or desktop device through the CASE Online Library. You will also... View full product details
An explanation of the Hebrew Bible by George Athas. By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or... View full product details
Richard Bauckham investigates the alleged 'Jesus Family Tomb' of Mary Magdalene. By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile,... View full product details
Trevor Cairney reviews The Gospel of the Lord by Michael Bird. By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile,... View full product details
In recent years, heated debate over the writing of history has energised—and polarised—academic historians. Much of this debate is also over the nature of fiction,... View full product details
Dani Scarratt reviews Into the World of the New Testament by Daniel Lynwood Smith. By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any... View full product details
Michael Bird reviews Engaging Rome & Jerusalem by Edwin Judge. By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet... View full product details
Kevin Rogers provides an interesting review of Richard Dawkin's book, The God Delusion. By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any... View full product details
By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or desktop device through the CASE Online Library. You will also... View full product details
Philosophy poses the question: What should we do to have the best possible lives? I'm afraid we haven't made much progress in arriving at an... View full product details
In considering both biological and biblical perspectives, Dr Megan Best contends that destructive research on human embryos means there are more lives at stake than... View full product details
Transgender. Intersex. Gender fluidity. Cisgender. It can be difficult to get a handle on the vocabulary of gender complexity, let alone the issues that underlie... View full product details
Building on the understanding of gender complexity provided in their previous article, Kamal and Patricia Weerakoon here provide a Christian approach to helping people suffering... View full product details
By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or desktop device through the CASE Online Library. You will also... View full product details
"Kant intended his transcendental idealism to be a grand united theory of everything, including the history of metaphysics itself. Kamal Weerakoon reviews Kant and the Early... View full product details
Richard Gibson and Mike Thompson provide a warning to the apologist from history. By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any... View full product details
It is easy to fall into the habit of regarding apologetics as a distinct task or skill-set which is brought into play when and only... View full product details
Is interest in our best interest? Biblical and historical Christian thought and practice suggest not, but how could things ever change? By purchasing this individual... View full product details