On male violence: A theological reflection on Gensis 4:19-24 | Andrew Errington
By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or desktop device through the CASE Online Library. You will also be emailed...
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The Household: Informal Order Around the Hearth | Jonathan Marquet
By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or desktop device through the CASE Online Library. You will also...
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As the push to legalise same-sex marriage gathers momentum, debate over the nature of marriage has intensified. David Phillips explains the legal status of marriage...
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The 'Relationships' Era: Reinventing Marriage & Divorce | Hugh Mackay
The last few decades have seen massive shifts in attitudes and practices surrounding marriage. Social researcher Hugh Mackay provides us with a snapshot of marriage...
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