By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or desktop device through the CASE Online Library. You will also be emailed... View full product details
How do Christians present the gospel about the One who has universal imperial authority in a postmodern world where “power” is a “swear word”? Andrew... View full product details
By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or desktop device through the CASE Online Library. You will also... View full product details
Dani Scarratt reviews Into the World of the New Testament by Daniel Lynwood Smith. By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any... View full product details
Kevin Rogers provides an interesting review of Richard Dawkin's book, The God Delusion. By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any... View full product details
By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or desktop device through the CASE Online Library. You will also... View full product details
Philosophy poses the question: What should we do to have the best possible lives? I'm afraid we haven't made much progress in arriving at an... View full product details
The intertestamental period formed the cultural context of Jesus' life and teaching. Smith identifies the main religious strands within this culture and explains their distinctive... View full product details