Landscape of a life
Landscape of a life
June 23, 2021

Beauty Adrift
Beauty Adrift
March 22, 2021

Everywhere Present: How the meaning of the Hagia Sophia made me rethink my new year's resolution†
Everywhere Present: How the meaning of the Hagia Sophia made me rethink my new year's resolution†
March 22, 2021

Coming to our senses†
Coming to our senses†
March 22, 2021

After Christendom: How should we then live?†
After Christendom: How should we then live?†
December 03, 2020

Uniformity to unity
Uniformity to unity
December 03, 2020

Journeying together to heaven: When true worship abandons mediated religion
Journeying together to heaven: When true worship abandons mediated religion
December 03, 2020

Industrialised cruelty to animals: Responding as trustees
Industrialised cruelty to animals: Responding as trustees
August 31, 2020

Reverend Arthur Broome and the RSPCA
Reverend Arthur Broome and the RSPCA
August 31, 2020

Changing attitudes to animals: A veterinary perspective
Changing attitudes to animals: A veterinary perspective
August 31, 2020

The place of faith in a skeptical society
The place of faith in a skeptical society
March 02, 2020

Faith in a secular society
Faith in a secular society
March 02, 2020

Hope - The virtue of life
Hope - The virtue of life
March 02, 2020

Hope in anticipation of heaven
Hope in anticipation of heaven
March 02, 2020

Hope: Psychology and theology in conversation
Hope: Psychology and theology in conversation
March 02, 2020

Going for Gold: Challenges & Opportunities
Going for Gold: Challenges & Opportunities
November 21, 2019

Threats to Ethics and the Spirit of Play in Sport
Threats to Ethics and the Spirit of Play in Sport
November 21, 2019

The Mishandled Israel Folau Case: Is it too late to make things right?
The Mishandled Israel Folau Case: Is it too late to make things right?
November 21, 2019

God-honouring Rest as a Contributor to Wellbeing
God-honouring Rest as a Contributor to Wellbeing
May 15, 2019

Jesus' response to sickness
Jesus' response to sickness
February 21, 2019

Real life superheroes?
Real life superheroes?
February 21, 2019

On male violence: A theological reflection on Gensis 4:19-24
On male violence: A theological reflection on Gensis 4:19-24
November 19, 2018

Church responses to the Royal Commission into child sexual abuse
Church responses to the Royal Commission into child sexual abuse
November 19, 2018

At Home in Australia? Peace, Conflict and Transition
At Home in Australia? Peace, Conflict and Transition
July 04, 2018